If there is a problem , how will we complain to the KFC call centre ? : Polibatam

How to complain about kfc call center ‘s criticism advice


If you have any problems , criticisms or suggestions , complaining to the KFC call center is the best way to get  it  . Especially we know that this American food restaurant is famous for having a lot of experience , but it cannot be completed . Sometimes consumers find that service or food is not desirable .


Of course, not all media have the same problems, but only a few stand. This can only be caused by opening or misunderstanding between consumers and waiters . Therefore, this should be well complained about, especially because the restaurant is well-known and can accept criticism and suggestions.


A brief idea of the Principle of KFC


Kenti Fried Puss is famous for its long history of not having experience serving different food products  that complained to the KFC call centre . Especially if we compare it to friends ‘ restaurants or fast food rate , they are certainly still number one in Indonesia .


Fast Food is originally from The City of Kantika , as the name implies , where it was first discovered and directly established by Colonel Harland Song . The story is more famous than before because he used to be only a chicken seller and it didn’t benefit much , so he was under a lot of pressure to be sad .


But this change began when he started cooking in Korbin in 1930 and was very happy for the people . Then in 1939, Sindzer made his cooked chicken because he used many interesting varieties , in addition to having his own way of enjoying the processed taste .


This is what brought the governor of the region to win the Sinder Award in the form of a colonel . The vote was founded in 1955, where Sanders previously traveled from the United States to Canada and offered his business . After that , there is no surprise that many investors are interested in investing in the Sanders business .


In 1978, the KFC National Training Centre was opened after extensive investment from businessmen such as Jack Massey and John Brown John Jr . Unfortunately , two years later , in 1980, the Harland Sinds passed because it was deeply sad news , especially since his efforts were on the highway at the time .


KFCbenefits in the field of products and services


If you look at his long history , it is no surprise that it is equipped with many mines , one of which is easy to find . Now we can not only find an base in a big city . But in every major city , it should have many more faces to even distribute .


We can see examples in major cities such as Karta , Bandung , Sorabaya or Samarang . There are many cities in a major city where each should have a KFC restaurant . So , you don’t need to go to the city or provincial capital because it ‘s more suitable than home .


Especially now that delivery services can be used quickly and cheaply without any pain at all . You can call 14022 directly and if you don’t know about mines , you can ask the user who raises the phone . Please remember that the number of services for presentation and customer service is not the same .


For all these media , they are also equipped with the best facilities to sometimes have people complaining about the KFC call centre there , but it is not important  . In general , complaints of problems are in the form of service from employees or only lack of food . But if other facilities such as food places or playgrounds are very good.


You can use the room the most in the restaurant because the arrangement is comfortable because most of the media is very wide . In addition , in the field of cleanliness , this should be better , especially by workers who have cleaning duties . They are well trained so that they are experienced in maintaining the cleanliness of each restaurant according to the SOP .


The other benefit is that it can now not only be used for a stop , but also as a place for enough . This happened because of the emergence of the last restaurant , KFC Caffe , where it generally looks like caffeine . You can find a room with a minibar that is very comfortable .


If there is a problem , how will we complain to the KFC call centre ?


Each company or restaurant will surely receive suggestions or suggestions and even complaints from its customers , including kfc . But even though they have these criticisms and complaints that we should not give in a stubborn way . There is a separate practice in submitting complaints , one of which is that all complaints and motions must be in accordance with the facts .


If you do not know about what you will be criticizing , first  contact or complain to the  KFC call centre  . You can call the phone number of their customers ‘ services , which 08071677777 . If you feel that  you have contacted them but it seems that you are busy , you can only  send a complaint info@kfcindonesia.com via e-mail  .


You can ask about the results of the service or food if it is not satisfactory . But you should find the best time for this , especially if complaints are too big . However , general type complaints can be made as usual , but you must wait to call the CSS or receive their e-mail answers .


Complaints to the KFC call centre can also be made directly through their main website  . There  will be different data-shaped stations that should be filled with customer opinions . You can fill your opinions in all these areas , don’t fill in because you hear information from others .


Otherwise , if you are answered by The Company ‘s Adamin , of course this should be obtained correctly . Criticize his name or complaints must be prepared to make the advice given . This advice is generally in the form of a positive feedbak that benefits consumers and companies . Otherwise , no party is harmed , but everything benefits .


Criticism of the KFC Call Centre other than complaints


If you are unsuccessful in complaining using phone numbers and e-mails , you can @kfcindonesia their social media , such as Twitter , @KFCINDONESIA and Entagas . Because of social media delivery , you need to know how to present it correctly . In particular , the storage of social media is heartfelt and various fake news .


Of course , if you do not consult or complain but in fact a hook , this can have criminal consequences . When complaining to the KFC call centre , try not to use the pronounlanguage . This language is in the nature of pushing a specific event or situation , if the company considers it unpleasant , the answer is deadly for Vitblonki .


In addition , it is also necessary to understand what topics you want to criticize or complain about . To this end , criticism through social media should be in the form of facts , if it is in the form of opinion , it would be considered a hoarseness . To this end , the content is negative , which is harmful to a party between consumer and restaurant .


 Therefore , complaints to the former KFC call centre should be  reconsidered first . Consider what the good and bad effects will be if you criticize something in the restaurant . If you have a good will ,  it should be sent immediately for public good .


Maintaining language literature will be the last key to delivering opinions , criticisms or suggestions through social media . Moreover , we come from Indonesia where there should always be both characteristics or characteristics . Although he knew that criticism did not violate the law , the apostle should not be against the law .


We already know the benefits of this restaurant , which is famous for its cooking chicken products . If you find poor service or food with bad taste , you can immediately send criticisms and suggestions . If you complain to the call centre , the KFC must still maintain dignity  .

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