obtaining information related to ownership products : DIMENSIKU

Exilecontact  the  ACC Center , not just youfor complaints

The benefits of the ACC Communications Center  are obtained by its users.   Problems often occur in cooperation with debt or lisin institutions, and if they are not resolved immediately,  understanding will  arise  . Well, that understanding  can eventually be another problem for you.

Of course , don’t you want  the problems you face when making  heavy equipment  loans  with  the  ACC  not to be solved directly ?    To overcome  a variety of problems or obstacles , there are a variety of ways that can be used  ,  including by contacting   a part of the ACC Communications Center   .

there is  a lot  of benefit from the ACC communications center  you get and the most obvious is to help overcome the problems during the financial  process  There are several problems that  often face ACC service users   as demands to rest trust to extend the loan to ease installments

To connect to the Call Center, it can be  easily performed.   The reason is that the ACC provides its number where it can be contacted by its customers or users.   You can immediately file a complaint against the relevant number and file the complaint or complaint  properly  and accurately.

In this way, the Lysine party can provide you with the best solution.  Don’t forget to provide important documents that you need.   Before   you know how to connect and  what  benefits the ACC Communications Center,  you should also know how the company’s history  is in one eye, just advance and  see  the explanation below.

a short history of  the  ACC

As mentioned earlier, you really get a lot of benefit from  the  ACC   Communications CenterACC or Astra Credit  Corporation  is a financial institution of automobiles and heavy equipment   The financial company is now well known   by the wider community and has more than 9,000 brokers

Based on    The OJK’s Arrangements  No. 29/POJK.05/2014  , the company operates  both business needs  in  the fields of investment, multi-payment and employment,  using traditional and sharia plans,  both of which have their own interests.

The ACC’s  introduction  came from The Astra Sida Financial , established July 15, 1982 , called The Raharja Cd . The foundation is useful for supporting the Astra Group’s car business .  Only in 1990 , Pete Rajada Sadaya changed his name to The  Astra Financial Ct .

The benefits of the  ACC Communications  Center provided  by  this company include  the purchase of new and used cars  , particularly for  vehicles   produced by Astra such as  Toyota IsuzU. Dihatsu and Pugget  to  BMW  under  its establishment,   The company works to support the financial process  of  more than  1,600 car dealers in Indonesia .

Some of the companies  working  as the ACCC group  include Astra Sedaya Finance , PT Swadharma Baactia Financial , Staco Estika Sidia Auto Finance and PTP Pratima Sidia Financial .    So far,  this  company continues  to develop a variety of services and facilities offered.   In addition , it will continue to maintain the reputation they have

 ACC y completion information for  the Call Center

Having  call center   services in the  ACC  is actually a tool for customers and companies to get easier and more practical information.   In addition,  there is a lot of benefit from the ACC Communication Center  , which is obtained by users.   Especially for overcoming all kinds of problems and complaints during cooperation

For  those who want to contact   part of  the company’s communications  center,  you can call 021-766-9000 directly to customers in the Jakarta area.   At the same time, if you’re outside Jakarta, you can call 1500-599 directly.   This  number can be contacted using all contact operators.

At the same time, customers who want to contact the main office directly  can call 021 7885-9000. where  the  ACC’s main office  is occupied  at Gltb Simatopang No . 90  in stopping those complaints and suggestions should  be  made clearly and thoroughly so that the company understands more

Customers can wait  about 20 days to receive a response or response.   The time period  is calculated from the complete documents taken. If it turns out that  the  complaint  submission  process  is not responding,   the only   way to contact ojak can  be prevented by  1500655 number. This is the best way to send complaints.

Benefits of the  ACC  Communication Center

You    don’t know how to  file  a  complaint  right  now through ACC. Well, it seems to have a great benefit from the ACC Communications Center  that needs to be known.   For more details, see review below

  1. File a complaint quickly

As mentioned  earlier,  having a  call center   is  really the  most suitable place to file complaints such as problems during the trust process.   Through quick reporting, it will make your problems  resolved quickly.   You can use  one  of  the above numbers directly.

  1. obtaining information related to ownership products

Another benefit   of the ACC Communications Center  is that  you can get information about products related to the related company . Astra Credit has several products such as car payments for heavy boards .

  1. as a tool for giving advice

Having a  call  center  can also be the best place to offer advice to the company.   It is undeniable  that if  sometimes the services of a Lysine company  are not satisfied  , you can advise them immediately so that they  can  work  better  .

  1. to contact the company.

The benefit of the ACC’s communication center in having a call center is that customers  connect  to acci companies  Not only  that, their existence is very important because they  can solve a variety of customer problems  .

the benefits of buying cars with the ACC

There are  a variety of  benefits  from buying a car with  the  ACC   as follows:

  1. have the best service for its customers

Using this institute in the  ACC  also  provides  great  benefits  for its users.   such as having the best service that has used  the concept of practical prosperity  to protect customer satisfaction

  1. There is a wide range  of  product features

Astra Credit companies also have  several  product  features that  are completely complete.   However,  in  Indonesia, he has cooperated with several car dealers  , and requests for trust are  also  easily  made.

  1. customer access at a reasonable price

Finally, you will also be given a service in the form of customer access that  is very easy to access.   There are many options for  staying connected, such as through connection centres or social networks.

Cooperating  with financial institutions has not actually  been saved from  a variety of problems.   To overcome this, customer service can be the best solution.   there’s  a lot of benefit from the ACC communications center  you can get.

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